Nathaniel Bassey And Moses Bliss Team Up To Release – ‘Doing of the Lord’

“Doing of the Lord.”

Nathaniel Bassey And Moses Bliss Team Up To Release - ‘Doing of the Lord’

Famous gospel singers Nathaniel Bassey and Moses Bliss collaborated to write a touching song called “Doing of the Lord.” This song discusses God’s amazing works and how they impact our everyday lives.

The song talks about the happiness people feel when they see the amazing things the Lord does for them in surprising ways. It shares how people find it hard to explain the Lord’s kindness and wonders.
Notable Lyrics In “Doing of the Lord” Song

This is the doing of the lord
My eyes have seen the goodness of the lord
I can’t explain his mercies every day
Testimonies all around, this is the doing of the lord
how can I explain the miracles I see
how can I explain the plenty plenty grace
Nobody can tell me, nobody can convince me otherwise
all I know this is the doing of the lord
he has changed my story giving me a new song
now I live in daily overflowing grace
Nathaniel talks about how worshiping the Holy Spirit and Jehovah has helped him in many ways. He says that goodness and mercy always follow him wherever he goes, and he knows this is all because of the Lord’s kindness.

When you see the changes and good things that the Lord brings to someone’s life, giving Him praise and thanks, like Nathaniel and Moses Bliss declared in this song, is always a good thing to do. The Lord is kind to everyone, whether they follow Him or not.

We, as humans, often can’t explain the amazing things that happen every day. Just think about how the universe works, how we breathe, and how we sleep and wake up feeling blessed. Truly, the Lord is good.

Stream and listen to “Doing of the Lord” HERE or on your top streaming platform and do share with us your views in the comment section below.


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