HomeBlogHow Grandma Makes Her Traditional Konkonte

How Grandma Makes Her Traditional Konkonte

How Grandma Makes Her Traditional Konkonte

Hello Ghanaclassics lovers, welcome back to my blog. Do you love African food, especially food prepared in Ghana? If so, I have a special treat for you, I will share my grandmother’s secret recipe for Konkonte with you. This will make your cooking even better, and your friends and family will really enjoy being around you.

I’m really excited and happy to share my grandmom’s secret with you, I hope everyone is doing well and that you are all ready to follow my simple step-by-step lesson.

Now if you have already bought and made your konkonte flour, then join me to begin this amazing cooking lesson, I have some simple steps for you to follow. First, we need to heat some water until it boils, but not too fast. I have my konkonte flour and a sieve read. The Sift is one of my special tools.

Thing We Will Need To Prepare Our Konkonte

Konkonte Flour
Cooking Pan
Plastic wrap or banana leaf
Wooden Paddle

Now once our water starts boiling, we will then add salt and let it settle a little. Then, take the konkonte and put it in a sift. Slowly add it to the hot water while stirring quickly with a wooden paddle. My grandma always says that using a sift makes the konkonte come out clean and smooth without having lumps in it. It’s the traditional way to make it in Sekondi-Takoradi, a twin city in Ghana. She usually uses one hand to stir and the other hand to pour the konkonte into the water.

Sifting the konkonte into the water is really helpful because we need to do it the traditional way. This process removes lumps from the mixture, which helps it cook better. When we sift, any lumps will float to the top, and you can easily remove them. After that, you can add some more water and cover it up so it can boil for about 5 minutes. My grandma and I really enjoy eating konkonte because it’s light and easy to eat. Once it has cooked for around five minutes, give it a minute stir, and our konkonte will be ready. You can wrap it in a banana leaf or safe plastic wrap to keep it fresh and prevent it from drying out.

Step Number 2

Another simple and easy way I have for you to cook your konkonte is to take the flour and put it in a cooking pot that you prefer or love to cook with. You will then have to add some water and stir it until it is smooth and light. Then, put the pot on the fire and keep stirring until there are no lumps and it gets nice and thick. After stirring for about 5 to 8 minutes, add some more water and cover the pot to let it boil for another 6 minutes. Our Konkonte has been cooking for about 10 minutes now, so don’t forget to flip or turn it and cover it for the last 10 minutes.

Serve It With Any Soup Of Your Choice

You can then wrap it up in a clean plastic wrap or even banana leaf and later serve it with your favorite soup. My grandma and I really enjoy eating it with palm nut soup and smoked fish.

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