What are Mosquito coils?
Mosquito coils are very popular in many countries, especially in Africa. This is because they are cheap to buy and easy to use for keeping mosquitoes and other flying insects away from our homes. These coils are made from a powder called pyrethrum, whose main work is to help us repel bugs, especially mosquitoes.
Dealing with Indoor Mosquitoes: Our Experience with Mosquito Coils and Health Risks
One night not long ago, our home was full of mosquitoes, and it was bothering our 5-month-old son a lot. He cried all night and it kept on making us think, so my wife and I decided to buy a mosquito coil. We chose the coil because it works for a long time and is much cheaper than mosquito spray, which can take hours for the scent to go away.
What Really Caused The Problem
We went out to a nearby store and bought a mosquito coil, put it on a stand, and closed the windows because there were neighbors nearby. We didn’t want them to see what was happening in our room and that was the main reason why I closed the windows for us to get our privacy. About an hour after lighting the coil, I noticed my son was breathing heavily. At first, I thought he was hungry, so we gave him some food, but he still had trouble breathing.
Truly speaking, my wife and I cried that night, but something inside me encouraged me to open the windows, and doors and take the coil out of the room. After just two minutes, I noticed he was breathing differently, which made me realize that he was struggling because of the smoke. I looked it up online and found out that the smoke can make the air inside our home dirty and can lead to problems like breathing infections and other sicknesses.
How Listening To Myself Save My Son’s Life
To this very day, I’m glad I trusted my instincts that day; otherwise, I might have lost my son because of the decisions my wife and I made. That night, we took our son to the hospital, and the doctors gave us great advice. The medicine they provided made a huge difference in his health.
I always tell my friends not to use mosquito coils inside their rooms. It’s better to turn them on outside and spray the room first. Let the spray clear out before going inside to sleep. Mosquito coils are safer to use outside, not indoors.
Can You Use Mosquito Coils Indoors?
Well, after a scary situation, I went through, where my son almost got hurt because of using coils indoors, I really urge you not to use them inside also. One of the reasons I have for you to avoid using mosquito coils indoors is that they make smoke, which can pollute the air and cause difficulty in breathing. This smoke can make it hard to breathe and can make you feel sick or even worse. It’s just not safe to use coils indoors.
Can Mosquito Coils Cause Fire Problems?
Please you have to kindly keep in mind that, If you put coils in your room or hall without being careful, it can cause a fire. Always try to keep them away from things that can catch fire easily, like clothes or other objects. It’s also not safe to use a coil close to your sleeping bed.
While you sleep, you might breathe in the smoke it makes or produces, which can then be bad for your health and hurt your lungs.
What Are Some Of The Natural Ways To Drive Awa Mosquitoes?
There are natural and simple ways to keep mosquitoes out of our homes. One of the important steps is to get rid of any standing water around our houses. Mosquitoes like to lay their eggs in stagnant water, which helps them multiple themselves. So, do make sure not to leave any dirty water sitting anywhere in or around your home.
You have to make it a hobby to keep your gutters and yard clean often. A tidy home can help keep mosquitoes away. In my village, we sometimes burn orange peels in our yards at night because mosquitoes don’t like the smell, and this really works. You can also put on mosquito repellent on your skin to stop mosquito bites.