HomeMUSICJoyce Blessing Releases An Inspirational Song Titled Correct

Joyce Blessing Releases An Inspirational Song Titled Correct

Joyce Blessing Releases An Inspirational Song Titled Correct

Gospel-inspired artist, Joyce Blessing, a talented singer with an amazing voice, is back with a new song featuring artist King Paluta, known for his hit song “More Money”.

This amazing song focuses on giving all praise to Jesus and His heavenly father. The lyrics highlight that Jesus is the only true God and that He never changes.

Joyce Blessing Lyrics

Joyce Blessing shares how God almighty saved her from her troubles and made her feel special and beautiful in the eyes of her enemies. She praises God as a true father and is always surprised by the amazing things He does that set Him apart from anyone else.

King Paluta Lyrics

The lyrics of King Paluta on the other side talk about how mountains can move and the sea waves always change in amazing ways. Yet, God stands by him and has made him a respected man. Because of this, he promises to always give praise to God and not to anyone else.

How Fans Can Listen To “Correct”

Fans of Joyce Blessing and King Paluta can listen to this amazing song on all music platforms online or watch it on YouTube Here.

The song called “Correct” by Joyce Blessing praises God and talks about the wonderful miracles He does for His children by keeping them safe and helping them live better lives.

Notable Lyrics in Correct

After you na you – na you
Jesus na you – na you
Unchangeable Jesus after you na you
Jesus na correct – so correct
perfect so correct
any challenger
ewurade tse eer wo dier tse ee
na me be bo wo dzin abo wo nmerane

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